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Jana Brech

Hi, my name is Jana Brech, and I am the author of  I live in Brisbane, Australia.  I provide website reviews and other web-related services.

I have a passion for usability – for creating websites that optimize the user’s experience.  I enjoy building websites that “zing” – websites that hit the mark of providing valuable content, have aesthetic appeal, and marry the business goals of the website owner with the needs of the users.

This website

This website is really not about me, it’s about you, my reader.  I’m not looking to make a profit from this website.  It was originally born out of a desire to provide web writing principles for my clients – many years ago.  But now it is just offered out there for anyone who may benefit.  I seem to have a lot of students visiting my site, and I wish them the very best in their studies.

Like many others, I am fed up with the grasping attitude on many websites which offer apparently free information that has strings attached.  It’s a relief to take a stand against such an approach.  I reject all offers from advertisers and people offering ‘guest posts’.  The information here is free.  It’s freely given with no strings attached.

I believe we all have a duty to contribute to the greater good of the worldwide community.  Sharing one’s expertise freely on the web is one way to do this.

My thanks go to many teachers and helpers who have supported my life journey.   It is only because of their guidance and help that I have reached this point in my personal and career development.  Although they will remain nameless, my heartfelt gratitude goes out to them.

Following is some token self-promotion, just in case you’re interested.

My Services

Is there something I can do for you?  Well, it all depends upon your needs. Often, I can cast an ‘expert’ eye over your website, and give you a few quick pointers to improve usability, content and keyword optimization for search engines.  Or I can provide a more comprehensive service.  Here are some of the things I can do:-

  • Website reviews
    • I review websites for their quality of content, keyword optimization and usability.  This can range from an informal, quick assessment to a detailed review of multiple pages.  It can be beneficial to have a third party review your website for usability issues,  conformance to industry standards, search engine optimization and conformance to your business requirements.  It is best when someone who is not the developer or designer and can look at the site with a fresh eye.  Because of my business background, I can often see undiscovered marketing potential in the existing website.
  • Website facilitation
    • If you have complex website requirements, you may need an entire team of people to design and develop your website. In that situation, I can help by acting as a facilitator or go-between, communicating between the business owner and the technical team, and ensuring that the website meets the business goals of the owner.  I have an understanding of business requirements, and can also speak the “language” (jargon) of the technical people.  Often, technical people who are experts in aspects of website design or development, do not have an understanding of business needs.  This is where a facilitator can smooth the way, and communicate the owner’s business requirements to the techies, and ensure that the website meets those requirements.  I also have the capacity to be the “user’s advocate” and ensure that the website performs well according to the end-user’s requirements.

If you think I can help you, please drop me a note.